10 Famous Quotes of Matthew Perry aka Chandler Bing


"When I die, I'd like' Friends' to be listed behind 'helping people.' -Matthew Perry


"If you spend too much time looking in the rearview mirror, you will crash your car." -Matthew Perry


"If there's a silence in a room I'll try to fill it as soon as humanly possible." -Matthew Perry


"It is very odd to live in a world where if you died, it would shock people but surprise no one." -Matthew Perry


"Trying to overcome addiction is one of the hardest things for a person to do." -Matthew Perry


"God is everywhere—you just have to clear your channel, or you’ll miss it." -Matthew Perry


"Nine times out of 10, women don't want to fix a problem, they just want to be understood. I'll never get that." -Matthew Perry


"Nobody ever thinks that something really bad is going to happen to them." -Matthew Perry


"There's nothing better than a world where everybody's just trying to make each other laugh." -Matthew Perry


"I'm very, very jealous of guys who just go and decide to party and then can work the next day." -Matthew Perry

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